Kasane to Chitabe (Sandibe), Okavango Delta, Botswana 22 - 24 Oct 07

The leopard changed its spot


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But there was plenty to be seen on the game drive. In addition to lots of giraffes, impalas and elephants, here’s what we saw that we hadn’t seen on the Chobe river:
Birds: crested barbet, slaty egret, copper-tailed coucal, spurwinged geese, pygmy geese, giant eagle owl, crowned plover, lesser jacana, white-faced duck, knob-billed duck
Animals: tsessebe and steenbok (both antelopes). We saw quite a few spring hares especially after sunset. They jump around on their rear legs much like a kangaroo.
Dinner was by candelight at a long table with the other guests, a mixture of Americans, a Dutch couple and a French couple, and one English guy with his Texan wife.
Probably due to all the jungle noises, such as cicadas, grunting hippos and Flemming’s snores, I couldn’t get to sleep. At 1 o'clock in the morning I heard a noise that sounded rather too close for comfort. I woke Flemming, shouting: 'There is a wild animal in our room!!' Upon closer inspection, we found a very large elephant a couple of meters away outside our chalet feeding on leaves and branches from trees nearby and clearly visible thanks to the almost full moon.

Some geese took off as we approached

Tiny water lily frog spotted by Tshabo

Sunset on the Okavango Delta

Male impala

Helmeted guinea fowl


Buffalo herd of 200+

The buffalo is the most dangerous animal of Africa

Great white egret with a sacred ibis

Five legged male elephant

Elephant family on the move

Knob-billed duck in flight

Whitefaced ducks and a knob-billed duck

Buffalos, zebras and impalas

JAlbum 6.5 Copyright: Angela & Flemming PEDERSEN