Judging by the dinner and breakfast, the
food and wine were a notch superior to that of Sandibe. On the other
hand, Sandibe was more environment friendly, and we missed the baboons
at Little Vumbura, although it was good to lie on poo-free cushions by
the pool. As for the guides, Tshabo at Sandibe had a better eye for the
wildlife and was more knowledgeable than M.D. (We never did discover
what the initials stood for. He just said it wasn’t Medical Doctor).
To sum it up, we were glad to have stayed at two different lodges so as
to have a change of scenery, and we were also glad we’d chosen to stay 2
nights at Sandibe and just the one at Little Vumbura.
25 October. We asked M.D. to take us on our morning game drive in the
direction of the airstrip as we had three flights to do on our way to
Namibia that day. We saw several tsessebe, zebras, giraffes, wildebeest,
and a male baboon in a tree surrounded by his harem (one of whom we saw
escaping from his amorous advances).
Thanks to Brigitte of Cross Country Air Safaris
for her help in organizing our Okavango bookings and for bush flying
African darter
Spot the grey lourie