Brasilia to Lençois, Bahia, Brazil 2 - 6 April 2006

Waterfalls galore in the Chapada Diamantina


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5 - 6 April. After yesterday’s experience we decided it was foolish to try and do the tours on our own in view of the recent flooding, so we hired a guide. Rogerio took us by car to various waterfalls and caves in Parque Nacional Chapada Diamantina: Andaraí, Mucugé and Ibicoara. The best was the spectacular 80 m drop of Buracão waterfall and the smaller Recanto Verde waterfall.
Access was challenging due to heavy rain within the last week. Twice we nearly had to abandon the attempt. We were saved, first by filling up muddy holes in the dirt track with rocks. Then, confronted with a raging river almost a meter deep, we knew there was no way we could make it across in Rogerio’s saloon car. We were saved again when a Toyota 4WD Landcruiser appeared as if by magic and drove us through it.
To see the Buracão waterfall from below, one had to climb round a cliff face and then walk across a deep ravine on a makeshift bridge made out of a log. After a first gingerly attempt at the cliff face, Angela decided that discretion was the better part of valour. Flemming went on and said later that there was so much mist from the pounding water that one couldn’t see very much! However, he enjoyed letting the strong current bring him back downstream to where Angela and the others were waiting. He had to grab hold of a rope slung across the river to avoid disappearing off into the wilderness!

Emerging from the 'Poço Encantado' cave.

Our 4th waterfall.

It looks like silk, but it's water.

We just made it through here with Rogerio's saloon car by filling up the holes with rocks.

We watched anxiously as the Toyota 4WD Landcruiser attempted the crossing.

It succeeded and then came back for us.

The 'Recanto Verde' waterfall

To see the mighty Buracão waterfall from below, like these guys, Flemming had to climb round the rock face, then cross the ravine on the makeshift bridge...

...Angela chickened out! This shot was taken from near the top of the waterfall.

The Buracão waterfall seen from above.

A giant mushroom of a rock.

JAlbum 6.5 Copyright: Angela & Flemming PEDERSEN