Galapagos motor yacht cruise

2 - 9 Jan 2006

Swimming with sea lions, giant turtles, sharks and penguins


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5 January. Floreana Island.

Morning walk: flamingos, lots of sting rays near the beach – not safe for swimming, turtles, sea lions, green crystal in the sand.  Saw my first Galapagos penguin on way back to boat.

Snorkelling at Devil’s Crown: sting and eagle rays, yellow-tailed surgeon fish, white-tipped shark, lots of star fish of different colours, barracuda.

Afternoon at Post Office Bay – lots of sting rays that we had to avoid as we entered the water.  Flemming and I went much farther out than the other snorkelers and were duly rewarded.  I came across a giant turtle and swam round it, trying not to touch it.  There wasn’t much depth and it never attempted to get out of the way. After that we swam with 4 others, almost as huge.

6 January – early morning zodiac ride at Black Turtle Cove, north of Santa Cruz:

Lots of mating turtles, spotted eagle rays, robalo, lava heron, black and white-tipped reef sharks, golden rays.

Afternoon at North Seymour Island: frigates (males with red pouch inflated to attract the females), lots of chicks, loads of baby sea lions and baby marine iguanas, a few land iguanas.

Espaņola: Sea lions on the beach

Espaņola: The Italian girls and sea lions on the beach

Espaņola: angry male sea lion

Espaņola: Baby sea lion saying hello to Flemming

Espaņola: Galapagos penguin

Espaņola: Masked booby feeding chick

Espaņola: returning to the yacht

Fragata anchored at Floreana

Floreana: Angela posting a letter to her mum at post office bay

Floreana: The crews of several yachts have a weekly football match

Fragata: Our guide Cesar and Captain Humberto Serrano

Black Turtle Cove: Our guide Cesar sneaking up on mating turtles

JAlbum 6.2 Copyright: Angela & Flemming PEDERSEN